Super Sevins


Mr. Manners

Manners are a big deal in our house.  Besides the regular "please" and "thank yous", we emphasize the "May I please be excused from the table" at meal times, and "Excuse me" and all that other stuff. I'm also trying to instill in Cole the importance of "thank you cards" for gifts he receives as well as responding or opening our mornings with "Good mornings" to each person he sees. These things were always important in my family growing up and I think it should be continued with Cole and Charlotte. Anyway, being a three-year-old Cole of course does not always remember these manners so I was really pleased to hear he is full of manners at school!  

For example today, Matt, a teacher in the infant room, brought in his guitar as he sometimes does and was in the preschool room singing songs with Cole's classroom today.  They were singing "Willy-wallaby-woo, an elephant sat on you...." and Matt stopped and asked the children what they would do if an elephant sat on them. Apparently Cole raised his hand and said, "I would say, excuse me, mr elephant, could you please get up?"  I laughed when I heard this because it is so cute. And Matt told me he was very impressed with Cole's manners. : )


Katrina said...

Awwww that gave me a good giggle. He's so cute.

Mom said...

Way to go, "Mom" and "Dad" !!
You can take your children anywhere!
"P.S. Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking." (i.e. Mom)