Super Sevins


Say It With Me Now...


I left work early yesterday because Charlotte had a fever and was just not a happy camper at daycare.  I thought Brendan could stay home with her today but when my baby girl was crying, crying, crying this morning and would only be comforted by me, there was no way I was leaving her.  Charlotte just completed a 10 day cycle of Amoxicyllan last Friday. Wouldn't you know it though, when I took her to the doctor this morning for what I thought was conjunctivitis I found out that she (still)  has her double ear infection which explains her miserable state.  

Although it was a sick day for my girl and all she wanted to do was snuggle or go outside (not to play but just to be held and walk around), it was a wonderful day to be able to be with her.
That's how I feel about being sick, too, Charlotte.

Charlotte always wants to go "out" even when she is sick. She always gathers her coat and shoes and then is kind of enough to gather mine. : )

My darling is sleeping in Brendan's arms right now and Brendan is staying home with her tomorrow to make sure she is feeling up to par to go back to school. (She sleeps much better at home!)

I promise to never gloat on Facebook again that my children survived the winter without getting sick!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I sure remember the days of ear infections! You can blame this on heredity - I had this too. as well as her uncle. I hope she's smiling tomorrow! I love you, Charlotte!