Super Sevins


Christmas with the Sevins

What fun we have during Sevin get togethers! All of the cousins are very close in age and soon another little Sevin will be here next summer!  (That would be a brother or sister for Aidyn, NOT for Cole and Charlotte!)  We can't wait to meet him/her! 

The Kids table! You'll notice there is virtually nothing on Cole and Charlotte's plate and that's not because they ate it. There too excited to really eat dinner on days like this!  (And of course there's the fact that they don't really eat much either!)

 And the adult table (plus Aidyn)!

Spoiled again!  Charlotte received a Mommy Talks doll (or something like that). Basically the doll talks, giggles, and says all of these cute things.  Well, cute until you hear them over and over again!  Every time we went into Target and passed by the aisle with these dolls, Charlotte had to press the button on every one! It was funny then. :)  
Dollie is currently at the new doll table in our house having pizza and ice cream with My Little Pony. 

Hex bugs! These things are so cool and creep me out!  

A Cole pretzel?! Sure, why not! 

Charlotte and Olivia have bonded as of late over dress up and dolls!

Playing Toy Story Mania on the Wii. So serious!

We had a wonderful time with everyone!  The Blizzard of 2010 kept us indoors and off the roads and we happily settled in overnight at the Sevins and had a nice lazy morning with Paw-paw. Cole played Battleship and got the hang of it pretty well!  This boy loves games!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

So fun! Family gatherings are just the best! Especially when teh cousins are all so close in age!

Looks like a very fun time.. your post reminds me! We should schedule our Monarchs game! If we weren't doing that I was going to give Cole battleship.. good thing we are doing the game instead!

PS.. again! another email!