Super Sevins


Sledding again!

 We can't get enough of Mack's sledding!  Best hill ever!  Usually we stick to the smaller (yet still super fast and big!) hill at Mack's and leave the larger hill to the teenagers, mostly because they are a little reckless and crazy.  I have visions of Cole and his friends being the same when they are teenagers (hey, I have a brother. I know how these things work!).    However, the smaller hill was full of fluffy snow, not made into trails yet and it would have taken too long for us to pack it into trails so we braved the big hill, which was just fine for Cole, Gavin, and Caden!  They love this stuff!  In the middle of the hill, teenagers (of course!) had made a series of jumps that looked quite painful!  Our kids flew down on either side of the jumps instead.  After going down the hill many times by themselves someone had the idea for the three of them to fly down together. And when I write fly, I do mean FLY! Amazingly, there were no wipeouts.  I love their expressions!  They are having a blast!

 Back up again!  They were gabbing away a mile a minute talking about how they went down, and all that stuff!  

 I happened to catch Gavin when he took a break and I just love his smile! He's so cute!  Charlotte, Cole, and Morgan took long breaks to watch the big kids go down.  I didn't get any pics of Charlotte sledding this time mostly because I walked up with her and sent her down the hill. Brendan had to be at the bottom to stop her before she flew into the woods!  What a difference from last year- she loves sledding this year and insists  often on going by herself (love that 3 year old independence thing!)

 Cole's legs slowly came off the sled as they went down the hill. I'm surprised they didn't get caught underneath.  Each time they went up that hill I kept thinking, "this is it. this is when they wipe out and someone will be crying." I had to fight the urge to stop them.  Parenting is such a careful balance between balancing the fear that your child will be hurt and letting them take chances!  I knew they weren't in any real danger but still! :)

Look at that joy!

 Cole (R) cracks me up how he hides behind his gloves! He knows that  otherwise he'll get snow sprayed into his face! :)


 Phew! Safe!

 Little snow bunny!

 The Schwinns had to leave and Cole (R) got his chance to go down with the big boys. Charlotte wanted to go down with them too.

 But instead decided to stop mid way up and just sit there! Brendan had to run up and get her before someone barreled into her!

 Cole's face is priceless!

 I imagine that one hurt! No tears still! Only laughs and smiles!

I took all of these with my Canon L series 70-200mm lens. It is by far my favorite lens for outdoor and action photography.  Brendan bought it for me when Charlotte was born. I had expected something sparkly and instead got this lens. Brendan knows me all too well and my love of photography! :)  I am so happy to have these photographs to remember Cole and Charlotte's childhood and to share with family near and far (hello to you Grandpa in NV, Grandma in IL, and Andersons in Arizona!) :)  Now to get myself motivated and make some photo books!


Lisa said...

Oh my goodness! Those pictures are the BEST! Their faces say it all! Catching air and Cole's face as they landed.. Yowzers! Those Schwinns man! Right out of a catalog! Love it!

the last pic of Cole and Charlotte is great.. I love all the pics you take of them together, why can't I do that?!

I missed a fun afternoon.. next year maybe Cora wont' sleep as much?!

Katrina said...

Cole's faces are hilarious!! Ethan and I were laughing so hard at the pictures of him in mid-air with his hair sticking straight up. I can't believe they landed that with no pain!

So much fun!