Super Sevins


Poor Charlotte??

On Wednesday Charlotte woke up with a fever of 99 and change. I know her molars are coming through so I gave her some Motrin and sent her to school. (Bad Mommy!)  I got a call, of course, at about 10 and I was told Charlotte's fever was higher and I so I left work and went to pick her up. We had a very nice day together! In the above pic she doesn't look sick at all, does she?  I think she  pulled a Ferris Buller on me.... : )

Actually that night and the next day her fever was quite high but after taking her to the doctor they declared it just a virus and she began to improve on Thursday afternoon. 

I'm blaming this one on the rain.... : )
Wednesday and Thursday night Charlotte was sick so I just put her to bed in Brendan's and my bed and she slept so soundly! She loves it there!  I just love how she is cuddling with "baby".  The original two she was pulling around have now become five. She loves them all!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love the one of her cuddling her baby!!Definately one for the "scrapbook"!