Super Sevins


Just some randoms...

Random pics from this past weekend...

A Mom of one Cole's classmates came in on Friday and made gingerbread men and read a book about gingerbread men with the class. Cole was ecstatic!  He couldn't wait to eat his creation after dinner!

Oddly, this is Cole and Charlotte dancing to some song on the Glee soundtrack. Cole looks mad but really was just making a silly face!  As is Charlotte of course!

Last night was all about pulling Charlotte around in the wagon. Love it now that Charlotte is getting older and they want to play together so much more! (Of course there is lots of times they don't too!)


Lisa said...

Cute!! So was Cole's gingerbread man after dinner or FOR dinner?! hehehe! I know how much he loves dinner food! I can't wait until he eats then I know there is hope for my Cole too!

Amanda said...

I loved it when Cameron and Olivia started playing together. Of course, it's not always peaceful, but when they are getting along it is super cute and those are the moments we remember :) (and blog about!)