Super Sevins


So Long, Farewell...

Two weekends ago we said goodbye to two very important pieces of our summer.

Kerry went back to college for her junior year 
we closed the pool.

A moment...if you please!

What a great summer we had!  

Kers- I loved our weekly SYTYCD nights! You're the best, darling!

And I loved watching the kids grow up in the pool... Cole learned to swim (period!) and also learned to swim underwater (almost the entire length of the pool!)  and Charlotte overcame her need to be held every moment in the pool and instead swam around just fine with her floaties on.  It was a grand summer and we loved every minute of it! We used the pool up until the very last day!


Katrina said...

Awwwww. Goodbye summer. It was fun!!

Lisa said...

Booo! Summer you were fantastic!Best one in a long time! Thanks for the memories!

.. and I love the pic of Charlotte looking up at you! Very cute!